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Fahrzeugreparatur-Bücher & Ratgeber für Haus und Hobby:


Tender der Klasse 404

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13,80 EUR
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War Photographer - Volume 1.1

War Photographer - Volume 1.1

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18,00 EUR

inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit:1-4 Tage (auf Lager) 1-4 Tage (auf Lager)

Art.Nr.: 9786155583209
Gewicht: 0.330 kg
Verlag: Diverse
Mehr Artikel von: Diverse

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Autor: Tom Cockle

This new photo book series presents you various selections of rare wartime photographs. They will be selected based an numerous subjects. Each volume introduces photographs from battles, operations, vehicles or complete photo albums from soldiers who fought in World War Two.

This book illustrates photos from an unidentified German Sturmartillerist of Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 191. This unit was dispatched from Jüterbog in December 1940, and the unit moved out southeast on several trains. Its final destination was Romania and the path ran through Czechoslovakia, Austria and Hungary. Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 191 began its combat path in the Balkans. The album contains photographs from heavy fighting at the Greek border where the Abteilung's assault guns supported the advancing German infantry on the Metaxas Line, photographs taken during marches through the country depicting the destruction and broken enemy vehicles, and a short stay by the Abteilung in Greece after the capitulation. You will find photographs from the entire combat route of Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 191 in the USSR and several pictures from Romania and Serbia, taken after the evacuation of the unit from the Crimea. Photos from 1941 show broken Soviet tanks, trains and artillery pieces, and German assault guns in the harsh Russian winter during the battle of Moscow. 1942 is shown in the form of several shots during the recuperation of the Abteilung after an unsuccessful offensive on the Soviet capital, a journey of mang kilometers to southern Russia. The subsequent 1943 and 1944 years are not as extensively represented in the photographs as the previous years, but among these few photos are shown several Sturmgeschütz III, photographed after the Abteilung's evacuation to Crimea in 1943 and during the battles there.

Paperbackeinband im Format DIN A4 (quer) mit 60 Seiten und ca. 100 Abbildungen.
Neubuch von PeKo Publishing, 2019.

Gewicht: 330 Gramm
War Photographer - Volume 1.1War Photographer - Volume 1.1


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