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Lastkraftwagen - German Military Trucks: Vol. 1

Lastkraftwagen - German Military Trucks: Vol. 1

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25,00 EUR

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Lieferzeit:1-4 Tage (auf Lager) 1-4 Tage (auf Lager)

Art.Nr.: TG 1010
Gewicht: 0.550 kg
Verlag: Tankograd Publishing
Mehr Artikel von: Tankograd Publishing

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Autor: Jochen Vollert

Aus der Reihe "Tankograd World War One" (Imperial German Army weapons and soldiers of the great war 1914-1918) No 1010.

Alle Texte in englischer Sprache.

Motorisation of the Imperial German Army began in 1899 when the first truck and the first passenger car with internal combustion engine were tested for their military usability. The development picked up speed from 1908 when the first comparative trial runs were held to find suitable subsidy truck models for the role of Armeelastzug (truck-trailer combination). After war had broken out, the solo truck took over this role of supplying the Kaiser's troops on all frontlines.
This publication tells, for the first time ever, the story of how the Lastkraftwagen (cargo truck) became the backbone of German military supply operations in World War One. The creation and organisation of the Kraftfahrtruppe (Army Motor Transport Corps) is extensively portrayed in text, followed by richly illustrated chapters on the trucks of individual manufacturers. These include major players such as Benz, Daimler and Opel; truck-building legends such as Büssing, Horch, Mannesmann-Mulag and Stoewer - names that today have all faded into history; and also enigmatic makes such as Ageka, Komnick and Windhoff, to name just a few. Additional chapters on wartime service, as well as uniforms, complete the survey of this early era of German military motoring in hitherto unseen completeness.
In a total of 192 pages, distributed over two volumes, this publication is lavishly illustrated with 380 photographs and illustrations, the vast majority of which have never been published before.

  • Introduction by the Publisher
  • Imperial German Army Motorisation: Army Motorisation - Facts and Figures --- Army Motorisation - Trucks --- Vehicle Identification --- The Search for the Military Truck
  • Subsidy Trucks - Army Truck-Trailer Combinations: Army Truck-Trailer Combinations in Advertisements --- Comparative Trials --- Army Truck-Trailer Combinations in Service
  • Army Solo Trucks - Alphabetical by Manufacturer: Adler --- Ageka --- Ansbach --- Audi --- Benz --- Bergmann --- Braun --- Büssing --- DAAG --- Daimler
  • Sources & Further Reading
In 96 pages, this publication (Vol. 1) is illustrated with 152 black & white photographs and 35 illustrations and graphics.
    Broschur im Format DIN A4 mit 96 Seiten und vielen Abbildungen.
    Softcover with 96 pages and many pictures, size 29,5 x 21 cm.
    Neubuch von Tankograd Publishing Erlangen.

    Gewicht: 550 Gramm
    Lastkraftwagen - German Military Trucks: Vol. 1Lastkraftwagen - German Military Trucks: Vol. 1

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