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Krafträder - German Military Motorcycles

Krafträder - German Military Motorcycles

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25,00 EUR

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Lieferzeit:1-4 Tage (auf Lager) 1-4 Tage (auf Lager)

Art.Nr.: TG 1009
Gewicht: 0.550 kg
Verlag: Tankograd Publishing
Mehr Artikel von: Tankograd Publishing

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Autor: Jochen Vollert

Aus der Reihe "Tankograd World War One" (Imperial German Army weapons and soldiers of the great war 1914-1918) No 1009.

Alle Texte in englischer Sprache.

The role of the Kraftrad (motorcycle) in the German military at the time of World War One was primarily as a dispatch vehicle as it could go on small roads, bypass traffic jams and they were also faster than most other means of transport at that time. Motorcycles could also be used for scouting road conditions in front of truck columns, and serve as emergency transport.
As with passenger cars, there were no military-type Krafträder in the German Army at the outbreak of war. All came from impressed civilian stocks. Heeresmodelle (army models) of motorcycles began to appear from 1915-16.
This publication, for the very first time, grants an extensive written and pictorial overview on the impressed civilian motorcycles as well as the later army models of the Imperial German Armed Forces in 1914-18. Covered entirely with hitherto unpublished photographs are the types of the two main manufacturers, Wanderer and NSU, as well as impressed German types and confiscated foreign makes. Additional chapters describe the use of military motorcycle sidecar combinations, machine gun armed motorcycles, field repair workshops and the uniforms of the military dispatch riders.     

On 96 pages this publication is illustrated with 200 black&white photographs. Limited Edition: 700 copies.
    Broschur im Format DIN A4 mit 96 Seiten und vielen Abbildungen.
    Softcover with 96 pages and many pictures, size 29,5 x 21 cm.
    Neubuch von Tankograd Publishing Erlangen.

    Gewicht: 550 Gramm
    Krafträder - German Military MotorcyclesKrafträder - German Military Motorcycles

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